Prepping Your House For Fall

It is important to give your house a once-over before Fall arrives. This gives you the opportunity to seal anything up or so any necessary repairs before the rains come. Perdue Builders is a trusted name for exterior remodel and in this blog we will share a few easy things you can do to make sure your home is in tip-top shape!

Here are a few suggestions to make sure your home is ready for Fall and Winter weather:

  1. Clean out gutters

    Grab a ladder and pull out all the junk in your gutters. When gutters get full they aren’t able to operate properly, which causes them to overflow water (and debris) onto the siding. Siding can usually handle this, but we might as well have it all function as it should, right?

  2. Seal gaps where critters (or moisture) could enter.

    Make sure your windows, doors and other openings are sealed off well. If not: grab some good quality caulking and fill the gaps. YouTube has some great tutorials on caulking best-practices.

  3. Do a good once-over around your house: check the siding, windows & doors.

    See any unusal gaps in your siding? See any cracks in the siding under windows? Notice anything that seems…. “not right”? These might be reasons to reach out to Perdue Builders and Supply. A good first step is to send us pictures if you are questioning anything— we might be able to help you from afar with that information alone.

Call Perdue Builders (or contact here) for a free consultation, as we specialize in siding replacement & window/door installation.

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